1. Is this Website Safe for Me?
Answer: We are a reliable popular online replica watch store. We are very sincere in taking care of the privacy of our visitors. We have a strong privacy policy. We provide you with a tracking number after the order, and you will be able to track the package all the way. So please don’t worry about your safety. We can assure you again that all the particular information that you used on our site is safe and confidential.
2. Where Can I Look for My Order Information?
Answer: You will get an email for your order confirmation with the order number from us. You will find a tracking number for tracking order information.
3. Could You Please Send Me More Pictures for Choosing My Favorite Model?
Answer: Of course, if you send the link or full name of your favorite products to us, then our customer service will send more pictures for choosing your favorite model.
4. How Long Does It Take to Get the Parcel to Me?
Answer: After receiving your order confirmation, we can process to ship it within 72 hours. Our global customers are receiving the parcel within 7-10 days.
5. Can I Make Payment with A Master/VISA Card?
Answer: Yes! We accept Master/ VISA Cards. If you want more options, then please contact customer care.
6. What Will I Do If My Credit Card Payment Is Not Correct?
Answer: When you see a problem while using your credit card, you can order further, and then cancel the order that was not paid successfully. You must check with the credit card company to make sure the credit card is in good condition. Also, you can communicate with us for support.
7. What Are the Delivery Methods Available for Us?
Answer: Generally, for our replica watch delivery, we take courier support from DHL, FedEx, SF, and EMS.
8. Is The Money Transaction with This Company Safe?
Answer: Yes, money transactions with us are very reliable. We always keep our client’s money transactions safe.
9. Do You Assure Customer Privacy?
Answer: Yes, we assure our customers privacy. We provide guarantee the complete privacy of our clients.
10. How Shall I Set the Time?
Answer: Normally, we send a related video to set the time. You will receive full guidelines in that video. If you have any difficulty, then you can contact our customer care.
11. What Is the Thing I Need to Do Upon Receiving My Watch?
Answer: You need to check everything operating well. If you see any difficulties, then you should feel free to contact us.
12. My Replica Watch Is Automatic, Why Am I Getting It Stopped?
Answer: If you get it stopped then you can inform us via WhatsApp, and our customer care will guide you to run.
13. How Can I Set Local and GMT Time?
Answer: You shall receive a full guideline video clip to set the local and GMT time. This video will be enough to solve it. If you want more support, then feel free to contact our customer care.
14. How Can I Change the Date of My Replica Watch?
Answer: You will get a related video clip to change the date of your replica watch. You will have full guidelines in that video clip.
15. How Do I Change or Cancel My Replica Watch Order?
Answer: You must claim the machine service warranty from the date of buying the watch till 2 years.
16. How Can I Claim a Service Warranty for My Replica Watch?
Answer: You can claim a service warranty via WhatsApp before posting it.
17. Can Your Company Accept Other Currencies?
Answer: Yes! Our company accepts all currencies, except Cryptocurrencies. If you have any more options, you can check with our customer care.
18. How Good Is Your Replica Watch and Its Performance?
Answer: The design, and craftsmanship of replica watches are close to the original watch. Watch professionals can catch the variance between a replica watch and an original watch.
19. Can I Change or Return My Money for My Bought Replica Watch?
Answer: According to our company policy, anyone can’t exchange/ return the watch once it’s bought. You must check the replica watch before you pay. A cash return policy is not available with us!
20. Will We Receive the Same Watch That I Chose On The Website?
Answer: Yes! you will get the same watch that you see on the website. we are honest in providing the same watch you have seen on our website. We are a trusted online store and hope you will be pleased to receive your desired watch.